About cloves and nutmeg grown in Thailand, Laos

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) are the dried aromatic flower buds used in Western and Thai as well as Lao cuisine. Originally they came from the Maluku Islands in Indonesia but are nowadays also grown in Thailand, Laos and other tropical countries. At Discovery Garden Pattaya and Nong Khai we have clove and nutmeg plants on display and for sale.

Even the clove leaves look tasty and fresh

In the 16th century the Maluku Islands (also called Spice Islands) in Indonesia had a monopoly on cloves (and nutmeg) since those plants are native there and were not grown anywhere else in the world.

Cloves are on display in many at Discovery Garden Pattaya and Nong Khai

Cloves are on display in many at Discovery Garden Pattaya and Nong Khai

But in the 18th century that well kept and precious monopoly fell and cloves are grown in many tropical countries, including Thailand and Laos.

The smaller plant on the left is nutmeg, on the right you see clove

The smaller plant on the left is nutmeg, on the right you see clove

The clove tree can grow to heights of 8 to 12 meters and never sheds the leaves.

Clove trees in Pattaya and Nong Khai love lots of water

Clove trees in Pattaya and Nong Khai love lots of water

The clove trees typically flower after three or four years in the ground. The flower buds first are quite pale and yellow, then become green and are harvested when they have turned red.

First the flower buds are yellowish

First the flower buds are yellowish

The carefully dried clove buds are a bit oily and are widely used in Western and Eastern cuisine as a refined spic. Typically the hard cloves are drilled into peeled onions that are cooked in gravies to add an intensive kind of taste.

Even the clove leaves look tasty and fresh

Even the clove leaves look tasty and fresh

In Indonesia the local cigarettes are also flavored with cloves. And in traditional medicine cloves are used as painkillers. A tooth ache can be eased by chewing a clove for relief.

Clove and nutmeg trees can be grown in any Thai or Lao garden

All tropical trees can be grown in any Thai or Lao garden

If you are looking for clove or nutmeg trees in Thailand or Laos you can buy them at our Discovery Garden outlets in Pattaya or Nong Khai where they are also on display. If you want to inquire about any trees or plants for sale send us a mail: hansfritschi1957@discovery-garden.net

We often can deliver all our plants to your location in Thailand or Laos.

4 thoughts on “About cloves and nutmeg grown in Thailand, Laos

  1. wie lange dauert es Bis Manko Baum eine Frucht hat
    und wie Lange ein Zitronenbaum braucht bis er Früchte zum Ernten hat
    und dies alles in Thailand


  3. Interesting site ! I would like to know if nutmeg trees are diocious ? I have one in my garden which flowers ( light yellow flowers) but never fruits.

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