About us


You can visit Discovery Garden on appointment

Chocolate made from our own garden in Thailand.

Our Discovery Garden  – a private Pattaya Botanical Garden specializing in rare our widely unknown tropical plants – can be visited by appointment only. Just make sure you contact us well in advance before your planned visit. Demand is high and we only allow a few visitors in every day for a personalized guided tour that includes an introduction into chocolate making and tasting of fruits in season, jams, cakes and teas or our home made Guacamole.

E-mail: hansfritschi1957@gmail.com

Thai and English: 081 295 6227.

English, German, French: 081 844 1396.

We are on Google maps, just enter “Discovery Garden Pattaya”.

Take a Grab taxi to our location a few kilometers outside Pattaya.

Unannounced visitors will not be allowed into Discovery Garden.

If you are interested in buying some of our rare plants, let us know in advance as well.

Banana flowers can bea eaten.

Baan Leelawadee, 149/7 Moo 6, Huai Yai, Chonburi 20150

E-mail: hansfritschi1957@gmail.com

12 thoughts on “About us

  1. I live in Nong khai and am very interested in some of products & visiting your nursery would tomorrow afternoon 4.00pm be appropriate time.

  2. i would like to purchase soursop tea bags or leaves when could i come and purchase for myself or have dellivered to my room in pattaya klang

    • Dear Wilson,

      we sell soursop leaves not far from Pattaya Klang. Go into 3rd Road and about 100 meters before you reach Pattaya South Road on the right hand side (opposite Restaurant Chez Georges on the left) there is a copy shop where you can get those leaves.

      All the best

      Hans Fritschi

  3. Hallo Hansruedi. Hab mit Interesse über Dein Gartenprojekt gelesen.Wir kennen uns ja aus der ‘wilderen’ Zeit, beim Weinabsacker im Odeon mit Peter Meier.
    Ich bin ja unterdessen auch zum Gärtner geworden, allerdings im Toggenburg,in kälteren Gefilden, umgeben von Kühen und Schafen. Ich kam wie die Jungfrau zum Kind zu einem 4 500 m2 grossen Garten/Park und neben meiner Arbeit in Zürich sind meine Wochenenden während der Vegetationszeit mit Gartenpflege ausgelastet. Die Natur ist ja unerbittlich, zweimal nicht hingeschaut und sie übernimmt die Kontrolle.
    Gestern kam ich mit Mario Gmür im Gespräch irgendwie auf Dich zu sprechen, drum hab ich mich mal bei Herrn Google nach Dir erkundigt.

    Wünsche Dir weiterhin viel Erfolg für Dein Projekt, die Freude kommt ja gratis

    Liebe Grüsse Norbert

  4. Hello Mr. Hans, I live in Udonthani and am very interested in some of your products & like to visiting your Gardenin Nong Khai would be Saturday or Sunday Lunchtime / afternoon Ok ? be appropriate timing and how I can find the Garden ?.

    • Dear Mr. Cruse,

      thanks for your interest. I am presently not in Nong Khai, but my Thai partner Khun Amorn is who speaks English very well. He could receive you on Saturday (Sunday he is not available).

      Here is a link how you can find us:

      Maybe better call Khun Amorn beforehand and confirm you are coming: Amorn: 0613635294
      I have attached a price list for your consideration. Most products should be available, but if one should be missing we can bring it up next time we drive from Pattaya to Nong Khai.

      All the best

      Hans Fritschi

  5. I am interested in visiting your garden in Pattaya on the 12th Feb. (any day that week is ok) in the afternoon. Can you send me a current plant list. I am interested in avocado and strawberries but others may work.

    Please send direct contact info if possible.
    Thanks much.

    • Dear Linda,
      yes, we still operate Discovery Garden Pattaya and you are welcome to visit. I have attached a price list of our plants for your consideration, not all our precious plants are included, but most. Just let me know asap what date and time you would like to visit and I will then inform my Thai and English speaking staff to be ready to receive you and show the garden.
      Greetings from Nong Khai
      Hans Fritschi

  6. We want to visit your rare nursery within this week if you are open during COVID-19. We also leave in Pattaya. Hope to hear from you. We are free anytime during the day. Please let us know. Thai people reception would be thankful.

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