Contacts & Location Pattaya

You can visit Discovery Garden already

Our Discovery Garden  – a private Pattaya Botanical Garden specializing in rare our widely unknown tropical plants – can be visited by appointment only. Just make sure you contact us well in advance before your planned visit. Demand is high and we only allow a few visitors in every day for a personalized guided tour that includes an introduction into chocolate making and tasting of fruits in season, jams, cakes and teas or our home made Guacamole.

Thai and English: 081 295 6227.
English, German, French: 081 844 1396.


Unannounced visitors will not be allowed into Discovery Garden.


We are on Google maps, just enter “Discovery Garden Pattaya”.

How to drive to Discovery Garden

On Sukhumvit Road – in direction to Sathahip coming from Pattaya – you pass the „Floating Market” and turn left at the next crossroad with a red light into Huay Yai Road.

After several kilometers you will see Huay Yai City Hall on the left, followed shortly after by Huay Yai Temple with its impressive roof on the right. You follow Huay Yai for another 2 kilometers and then turn  right into Huay Yai Chin Road, the road sign is written in Thai language only, but another sign shows: “Da Ne Vang”, follow it, you are on track.

Very soon you cross over a bridge and shortly after (about 30 meters) turn left: There is another sign for „Da Ne Vang”. After about 300 meters you have reached Baan Leelawadee (149/7 Moo 6) on the right hand side, two small stone elephants are posted there. Ring the door bell or if the metal gate on the left is open drive in there.

If you hire a taxi show the driver the Thai description. Discovery Garden is located about 15 kilometers outside Pattaya. Since there are no local taxis available in the area, make sure your taxi waits for your return ride.


If you have any questions call: 081 2956227.
GPS: N 12.86231, E 100.96929


เดินทางตามเส้นทาง ถนนสุขุมวิท มุ่งหน้าสู่ อ.สัตหีบ (เลยพัทยา) เมื่อเลย “ตลาดน้ำสี่ภาค” ท่านจะเจอสี่แยกไฟแดงใหญ่ (แยกไฟแดงห้วยใหญ่) ให้เลี้ยวซ้ายมุ่งหน้าสู่ ถนนห้วยใหญ่  หากท่านตรงเข้ามาเรื่อยๆ ท่านจะพบสำนักงานเทศบาลตำบลห้วยใหญ่อยู่ด้านซ้ายมือ และ เลยมาอีกนิดก็จะเจอกับวัดห้วยใหญ่ ให้ท่านตรงเข้ามาเรื่อยๆ อีกประมาณ 2 กม. ท่ายจะเห็นป้ายเขียนไว้ว่า ซอยห้วยยายจีน ด้านขวามือให้ท่านเลี้ยวขวาเข้ามาในซอย  หลังจากนั้น เมื่อเข้ามาในซอย ท่านจะข้ามสะพาน และ ตรงไปอีกเล็กน้อย (ประมาณ 30 เมตร) ให้ท่านเลี้ยวซ้าย จะเห็นป้าย “แดเนอวัง” เมื่อเข้ามาประมาณ 300 เมตร ท่านก็จะมาถึง “B. Leelawadee” (เลขที่ 149/7 ม.6) อยู่ทางขวามือ มีรูปปั้นช้างหินเล็กๆ อยู่หน้าบ้าน ให้กดกริ่งประตู หากประตูเหล็กด้านซ้ายเปิดก็ให้ขับรถเข้าไป

หากมีปัญหาสอบถามได้ที่ 081 295 6227
ระบบ GPS  N 12.86231, E 100.96929


Wegbeschreibung zu Hans Fritschi, Discovery Garden

Auf der Sukhumvit Road Fahrtrichtung Sathahip fährt man von Pattaya kommend am Floating Market vorbei und biegt an der nächsten Kreuzung mit Rotlicht links ab in die Huay Yai Road.

Nach mehreren Kilometern sieht man links das Stadthaus von Huay Yai, dann folgt kurze Zeit später rechts der Huay Yai Tempel mit eindrücklichem Steildach: Von hier folgt man für zwei weitere Kilometer der Strasse und biegt dann rechts ab in die Huay Yai Chin Road: nur auf Thai angeschrieben, aber ein Wegweiser zeigt: Da Ne Vang, dem folgen.

Kurz danach überquert man auf einer Brücke den Bach und biegt dann  (langsam fahren) etwa 30 Meter später bereits wieder links ab (erneut dem Schild für Da Ne Vang folgen). Nach ca. 300 Metern befindet sich Baan Leelawadee (149/7 Moo 6) rechts, zwei Steinelefäntchen stehen vor der Einfahrt.

Bei Fragen bitte 081 8441396 anrufen.


N 12.86231′

E 100.96929′

Baan Leelawadee, 149/7 Moo 6, Huai Yai, Chonburi 20150


16 thoughts on “Contacts & Location Pattaya

  1. hi Hans,
    Many thanks for spending over an hour with us showing your garden.
    I was most impressed by the varieties of plants in your collection.
    Thanks also for the introduction in making of chocolate…and the delicious samples.
    We wish you the best of luck in your endeavor.

  2. Hi, I am currently in treatment for prostate cancer. Will start Chemo Therapy next month. I am on the search for Graviola or Soursop products as these are proven efficient to heal cancer. I am at the moment in Pattaya.

    Do you have Graviola products for sale or know any reliable source for buying this products ?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi. Keen to drop in to visit you. I hv some land at Khao Yai n need to plant something. I hv always been keen on Soursop. I need to buy some plants. Would luv to visit you. I visit Pattaya about twice a month or so to do sailing at Ocean Marina. I am presently in Singapore n later next week should be at Pattaya.appreciate your comments. Rgds lee eng khiam +65 91995686 (whats app too )

  4. Hallo herr Fritschli ich bin die Hollander, der in Köln lebt, aber nicht mehr lange. Wir haben in Packchong eine Plantage ,und jetzt ist alles voll mit Noina-Obstbäume. Aber sie sind mehr als 20 Jahr alt und wir wollen kein Monokultur haben. Ich bin auf dich gekommen in Internet, da ich Muscatsbaum gesucht habe. Hier hab ich eine kleine liste , kanst du mir sagen wieviel das mich kostet würdet , und wenn wir in Dezember kommen und abholen könnten oder was es uns kostet, wenn ihr uns zu bringen würde. Hier mein Wunschliste, 20 Muskatsbaum,10 cacao,5 Zimt,10 Zitrone ,2 yello lipstick, 2 red lipstick, 4 austr bottle plant,10 belem guave,4baobap, 6 cashew nut,2 canna inic plants,2 gac momoraica,4 cochinchinensis , wir komen dir in dec besuchen und staunen in discovery garden, wenn du was geld in voraus haben wil sagen sie Bescheid freundlichen grüßen simon und boi

  5. Hallo Herr Fritschi,
    ich habe vor etwa einem Jahr auf dem Pflanzenmarkt an Ihrem Schwagerstand ein Feigensträuchlein erstanden. Zuerst ist es sehr gut gekommen, die Blattkrankheit habe ich auch weg bekommen. Seit etwa 3 Monaten ist das Wachstum zum Stocken gekommen und nur noch 3 Blätter sind vorhanden.
    Was könnte ich machen?
    Horst Schenk
    0610 458 915

  6. Greeting Hans
    With great surprise I came across your site. I started growing passiflora about 8 months ago and with hand pollination I now have about 4 dozen fruit on my vines. I am starting to have a bit of fungal (I think) problems and need some advice. If I were to call any day in say the morning could I come for a visit in the afternoon ? I live very close to you just off the Wat Yan Road in Huay Yai.
    My mobile is 081 916 1853. I look forward to meeting up with you.
    Best regards,
    Bob Neylon

  7. hello hans

    you no longer sells at the market on friday , saturday , sunday..?
    across the hospital…in pattaya…Is Mr. Bomb..& he’s wife still associated
    with you…I would like to buy Live seedlings & seeds..I bought cocoa tree , brazilian guava, & graviola…all doing well .a little over 2 yrs ago…..from Mr. Bomb wife.. the graviola has fruits..other’s take a little longer..O’pp’s forgot to mention..also Avocado seelings…. so would like to buy More…tk’s Hans..end rgrd’s pete

  8. Hi Hans,

    your guys did a marvelous job, stowing all the trees on my pick up and securing them with the net.
    The plants arrived without any damage at my place where my wife now is planting them in huge pots to prepare the roots for the last move onto our land.
    All trees are looking healthy and I am in a good hope to get all thriving in our little Rainforest in 2-3 month.
    You added us a lot of variety and life into our little dream.
    Now I have my little Jungle again, just like in my childhood and I am looking forward spending hours and hours in it.
    Thank you for your time and detailed information about all we bought and sure we (especially my wife) will be back for a 2nd round..
    Willy and Srikham

  9. Hi i am making a garden for a new house bang saray in hills will have about 8002 to landscape
    Im planning simple and clean design low care if possible
    Could i visit one day please
    I am travelling now back friday pm this week and nect week away tiuesday to thursday

    • Dear Alex,

      thanks for your inquiry. I am presently in Colombia, but my Thai people are available and you can visit any time. Please make an appointment with Mr. Bomb at 081 2956227

      I shall be back in Thailand from June 23rd onward.

      All the best

      Hans Fritschi

  10. Hallo Hans auf der Suche nach Kurt Wachtveitl bin ich im web auf Ihren wunderbaren Garten gestossen und auf Ihre 30J Thailand Geschichte. Ich melde mich wenn wieder in Thailand und freu mich auf ein kennenlernen. Herzlichst Dr Max aus München

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