Contacts & Location Nong Khai

Our Discovery Garden  – a private Nong Khai Botanical Garden specializing in rare our widely unknown tropical plants – can be visited by appointment only. Just make sure you contact us well in advance before your planned visit. Demand is high and we only allow a few visitors in every day for a personalized guided tour that includes an introduction into chocolate making and tasting of fruits in season, jams, cakes and teas or our home made Guacamole.

We are on Google maps, just enter “Discovery Garden Nong Khai”.

How to drive to Discovery Garden Outlet Nong Khai

Ripe Thai cocoa fruits are red, or yellow.

Driving from Udon Thani into Nong Khai you turn right at the red light intersection after Tesco Lotus into H 212 in direction of Phon Phisai. Follow this main road for 2.6 kilometers. Then leave H 212 in a 45 degree angle on the left, driving into 2017 follow it. Pass the temple on the right after 5.2 kilometers. Pass Had Kam City Hall on the left after further 300 meters. Pass the Buddha figure on the left after another 400 meters and turn right after another 100 meters. After 100 meters you have reached your destination on the left either at 128/1 Moo 14 or the following house. Ask for Khun Amorn: 0613635294 (Thai and English), Khun Porn: 085 009 9504 (Thai) or call Mr. Bomb 081 2956227 (Thai, English).


GPS: N 17.928938, E 102.79429


เดินทางมาจากทางอุดรธานี เข้ามาถึงหนองคาย ผ่านโลตัสซ้ายมือ ให้เลี้ยวขวาตรงไฟแดงไปถนนเส้นH212 มุ่งหน้าสู่โพนพิสัย ผ่านวัดโพธิชัย ประมาณ 2.6 กิโลเมตร ให้เลี้ยวซ้ายไปถนน 2017 ตามถนนมุ่งหน้าไปทาง ตลาดวัดธาติ ถนนชลประธาร ผ่านตลาดเลี้ยวขวา ไปทาง องการบริหารส่วนตำบลหาดคำ เลยไป 300 เมตร เลี้ยวขวา ตามทางไปอีก 100 เมตร อยู่ซ้ายมือ บ้านเลขที่ 128 ม.14 หรือโทร 0613635294, 085 0099504 คุณพร

081 2956227 คุณบอมบ์

GPS: N 17.928938, E 102.79429

So kommen Sie zum Garten in Nong Khai

Von Udon Thani nach Nong Khai kommend, biegen Sie am Rotlicht nach Tesco Lotus recht in die H 212 ab, in Richtung Phon Phisai. Dieser Strasse folgen Sie für 2.6 Kilometer. Dann verlassen Sie die H 212 in einem 45 Grad Winkel links, folgen Sie der 2017 für mehrere Kilometer. Nach 5.2 Kilometern sehen Sie rechts einen Tempel und fahren weiter. Nun folgt links nach 300 Metern das Stadthaus von Had Kam, Sie fahren weiter. Nach nochmals 400 Metern passieren Sie links eine Buddha Figur in einer Sala und nach nochmals 100 Metern biegen Sie rechts ab. Nach 100 Metern haben Sie links Ihr Ziel erreicht, fragen Sie entweder in 128/1 Moo 14 oder dem folgenden Haus (ohne Hausnummer) nach KhunAmorn 0613635294 (Thai und Englisch), Khun Porn: 085 009 9504 (Thai) oder Mr. Bomb 081 2956227 (Thai, Englisch).

GPS: N 17.928938, E 102.79429

 128/1 Moo 14, Had Kam, Nong Khai 43000


19 thoughts on “Contacts & Location Nong Khai

    • Dear Mr. Schmid,

      we have no manau trees presently, but we would have lemon trees, the yellow European lemons. Are you interested in that.

      By the way, if you are a German speaker, können wir auch deutsch sprechen.

      All the best

      Hans Fritschi

  1. Lieber Hans ,

    ich werde im nächst in chiang mai sein bei the elephant nature park, wir würden gerne cacao pflansen in ein project reinbringen, für uns die zu importieren ist sehr schwirig und sehr teuer. solltest du ein paar pflansen da haben zum verkauf würde ich mich sehr freuen !!! welche sorte hast du den eigentlich? und hast du auch grössere 2 oder 3 jährige, hätest du vieleicht auch buder finger limonen aus china bei dir ? an cardamom würde ich auch interesiert, beide sorten fals du hast.

    freu mich auf deine antwort.

    der sven.

  2. I live near Korat and would like to grow some potatoes and bell peppers.
    Can you tell me where to buy a good potato and tips on how to grow them.
    I also brought some Bell pepper seeds from the UK but they do not want to know, we grow thai chilli peppers and they grow very well, any ideas what I am doing wrong?
    Thanks and regards

  3. can you suggest a good grass turf for growing in the Korat area and what time of the year is good to lay it. Any tips on soil preparation would also be most welcomed

    Thanks and regards


  4. Dear Malcolm,

    I think it is too hot for potatoes in Korat. If you buy them at a supermarket they are all imported. I also had problems with bell peppers, too hot as well?

    Before laying down the grass bought buy square meter in a dedicated shop, make sure to put saand there, helps with the rooting.

  5. Hi ,

    Do you have Graviola seed ready for planting , if yes please what is the price .
    And if i go there to buy , can i have some information about how to grow it up . I live in VTE and I will try grow it in North africa maybe .

    Thanks for your help .

    • Dear Sir,

      thanks for your inquiry, yes, we have Graviola seeds ready for planting.

      5 seeds are 100 Baht.
      100 seeds are 7 Baht per seed = 700 Baht.
      1000 seeds are 3000 Baht
      10000 seeds 20000 Baht

      All the best

  6. Hallo Hans

    Hast du Zitronenbäume , die gelben Europäischen Zitronen,wenn Ja sind die in NongKhai.
    Gruss aus Nong Khai

  7. Hi, we will be moving to Nongkhai area in about 2 months and will be planting mainly fruit trees. What I need to know is do you have any curry leaf trees and the price. As well as lemon trees . Thank you very much.

  8. Hi , I enquired a few days ago about curry leaf trees if you had any available and I am still waiting for a reply. Thank you.
    K. Lambrou.

  9. Hi Friend I am looking for some Vanilla Orchards (5) Almond Trees (5) Cashew Trees (5) Please can you help send me a email with price & postage price to Surin Thank you

    • Dear Leigh ,

      thanks for your inquiry. Vanilla has increased tremendously in price, we can offer you one small rooted plant for 1200 Baht. Cashew we have small plant (growing fast when in the ground) for 450 Baht a piece. We do not have any almonds.

      The transport with Kerry Express should not be more than 420 Baht.

      All the best

      Hans Fritschi

  10. I am interested in buying both yellow European or Japanese lemon trees and cocao plants to plant in Laos. I have had both before but due to work they were neglected and died. Now I am retired and will be there full time.
    Can they be legally taken across the border into Laos?
    How much would they be each? I am looking for 4 lemon and 12 cocoa plants.
    I am also interested in the vanilla orchid as well. I use aquaponic systems for most of the growing at this time but eventually the green house will be moved and the plants left in place.

    • Dear Terry,

      I have attached a price list for your consideration. I think it is best you visit us in Nong Khai where I can show you what to do with the plants you are interested in.

      Greetings from Nong Khai

      Hans Fritschi
      Attachments area

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