Morning glory grows like a wead on our Thai fishpond and covers it like a dense carpet.
Author Archives: Hans Fritschi
A tour through a Thai tropical garden
We take you on tour to our Thai tropical garden. Discovery Garden Pattaya can also be visited in person, call before your visit.
Eat tasty peanutbutter fruits
Bunchosia argentea is the scientific name of the peantbutter plants. In Thailand they are easy to grow, produce nice little flowers and edible fruits.
Lipstick tree: Colour for lips, Red Indians and Tandoori chicken
very beautiful plant is the Lipstick tree (Bixa orellana). Its seeds are a natural colorant used in coockery and cosmetics.
Flower changes colour in a day
Hibiscus mutabilis changes its white colour to pink and finally red within a day. It is called “dog putan” in Thai, Confederate rose in English or Hibiscus mutabilis in the scientific name. Certainly a wonder!
Where to get a Christmas goose in Thailand
Christmas geese are difficult to find in Thailand. At Discovery Garden Pattaya we grow them. We can send deep frozen Christmas geese all over Thailand.
Meet the unique Rio Guava
We grow a very tasty Guava at our Discovery Gardens in Thailand. It is quite sizeable, pear shaped, outside yellow and inside red. It has a sweet strawberry taste, can be eaten fresh or processed into a delicious jam.
Gossling getting out of the egg
When gosslings are ready to hatch, they first make a hole in the egg shell and start breathing. Hans Fritschi helps them with this didfficult task as the get a good start in life.
Cutting down dangerous trees
After our biggest Baobab tree had fallen down surprisingly, we thought it was high time to cut down other dangerous trees. About ten had the potential of killing our neighbours if they fell on their houses by accident. So we hired this outstanding 40 year tree cutting master from nearby who did a tremendous job.
We had to wait for a long time, but now the rainy season has finally arrived. The rains have already filled our ponds and canals considerably. But the water has also softened the ground thus felled our biggest Baobab.