Cutting down dangerous trees

After our biggest Baobab tree had fallen down surprisingly, we thought it was high time to cut down other dangerous trees. About ten had the potential of killing our neighbours if they fell on their houses by accident. So we hired this outstanding 40 year tree cutting master from nearby who did a tremendous job.

Visit a Thai tropical garden in Pattaya

If you are interested in plants like Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper, Thai figs, Baobab trees or Guava types Hans Fritschi takes you to an extended tour through his unique Discovery Garden Pattaya. You can also visit said garden in person or order all kinds of unusual plants for your own garden if you are located in Thailand or Laos.

Pachira insignis flowers once a year

It is called Money tree, Malabar chestnut or Pachira insignis, this nut tree from South-America only flowers once a year, right now. It produces the most spectacular flowers, but so far has not given us any of the delicious edible nuts. Pachira insignis can be compared to Pachira aquatica which flowers all year around and delivers a constant flow of edible nuts. But when it comes to beauty of the flowers, Pachira insignis is the clear winner.

Solar system eases the terrible Thai heat

Now during the Thai New Year celebrations people suffer the worst heat annually with temperatures climaxing around 40 degrees Celsius. We are glad to have a solar system in place that provides us with plenty of clean and reneawable energy. During the day we not only can power washing machines, pumps and all other houshold machinery but also charge our electric car and run at least two more aircons with carbon free solar energy.

Kapok: Fibers that make seeds fly

Kapok or Ceiba pentandra is a large, green stemed tree that produces small black seeds which are able to fly away and conquer the world. The seeds are surrounded by a bunch of white fibers which are blown by the wind all over the area. In the old days the white cotton-like fibers were used to stuff cushions or teddy.bears. But since Kapok is highly inflammable it is not used for such purposes any longer.

Riding the Lao Chinese train

The LCR (Lao China Railway) opened in December 2021 connecting Kunming in South China with the Laotian capital Vientiane. The most scenic part is the leg between Vientiane and the magic Laotian city of Luang Prabang which is a World Heritage site.. The train ride takes less than two hours. Thickets are only for sale three days before departure which is a considerable hurdle for foreign visitors or tourists.

A delicious tropical nut

If you like to grow delicious nuts in a tropical country like Thailand, you should plant a Pachira aquatica also known as Malabar chestnut or Money tree. This very productive tree grows even well on poor soil and delivers beautiful flowers. We can deliver Pachira aquatica trees all over Thailand.